When we bought our house, we loved all the modern appliances. It was a flip - but they did a pretty good job with the finishes. However - everything was pretty much black and white. I’ve realized my style needs a little more variety, so I’ve slowly been adding more color in.
Including - these stairs! One of our guest baths is downstairs and so is our laundry room, and I wanted to make people (and myself) smile as they came back up. It’s kinda like a hidden secret, because you don’t see them on the way down, just on the way up. Shh!
This was so easy and cheap to do.
I wanted to get a variety of paint, but learned the smallest Sherwin Williams would sell would cost be over $20 a COLOR. But - the salesman did give me a tip. Lowe’s down the street sold samples that were small and much cheaper. And he was right - each color was only $3.99!!
It was important to me that I specifically got “happy” colors. So I went with Peach Blossom, Youthful Coral, Loveable, La Luna Amirilla, Neighborly Peach, and Afterglow.
I cleaned the steps before painting (cause we have three animals).
Tip: if you’re not sure of the order of colors, lay out the caps or do a sample streak to see how you feel about the combination! I played around with it for a bit before I landed on the color order. Check out a quick little video on my project below.
Overall, this project probably took me a total of 2 hours and cost under $30. Definitely worth it!
(Stair treads are from Wayfair. Also be sure to get some carpet tape so they don’t slide!) Linking here: