If my house is organized, I feel like I can take on the world! No, seriously… the fact that I’ve created a fully functioning and organized house means that I can tackle literally anything. Anyone else feel this way?!
Now it’s certainly not perfect So I like to move in sections, or rooms. So much clutter appears as a part of your busy life! And you’ve gotta give areas some love now and then.
Like the kitchen. How many mugs from some dumb festival you went to 7 years ago do you have??! You can accumulate a lot of items over the years, especially if you’re not moving homes and have an opportunity to go through everything.
So - focus on one part of your house that’s giving you so much stress first! You may find it’s invigorating to go through and get rid of what no longer serves you. The space feels lighter, and so do you!
Here are my 7 tips for Organizing your Home:
Start by room (or section of a room).
Take everything out.
Categorize Like with Like.
Check dates/pick things up and feel them/be honest with yourself about if you’ve used it over the last year or so and still will use it over the next year or so.
Clean out/wipe/vacuum the space.
Group similar items together in the space.
Put more frequently-used-items in the front so it’s easy to develop a new system.
These are the items that I got rid of from a day when I organized my entire kitchen!
A new year is a great time to give your space some attention. And if this is overwhelming - call in the professionals!!